Paraty, Brazil
Asking: R$ 2,200,000
Rural Property in Rio dos Meros, Paraty, with 51,9 ha total area
DetailsProperty Rio dos Meros: part of Paraty, 519.000 m2 land, several pastures and preserved areas, flat as well as ondulated areas, access, well developed, 2 water sourcesDescription and Features:For sale is a rural property in the district of Rio dos Meros/Olaria. It is composed of pastures and preserved areas, and has an old building, a hilly area and a floodplain area.There are two small springs on the hill and two smaller springs in the floodplain area, as well as an old ruin.It has electricity and there is road access to the house, which consists of two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom.There is a topographic survey (georeferencing) in place, tax payments are up to date. All documentation ok – the property has RGI (Registro Geral de Imoveis – The General Property Register). The property also has CAR and is inside the ITR (rural property tax) area.Additional Information about Paraty and Surroundings:Paraty (also w...More Details