€2,535,307 EUR | £2,111,336 GBP | $2,614,040 USD
Type: Finca
Bedrooms: Studio
Floor area: 13.060.000 m2
Land area: 1.306 (ha)
Mário Fernandes
Mário Fernandes
Location: Brazil
Speaks: , Portuguese
Display Phone No.
Advert last updated: 10/17/2024

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Excellent area in Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil, 13,060,000 m²
Reference Code: A-149 - - - - - - - -
Excellent area in the municipality of Andaraí, Bahia, 1,306 hectares (13.060.000 m²) along the road with two accesses. On one side by the BR 242 and on the other by the BA 142. Area with a predominance of red latosol, 80% flat, structure of large stone tanks for distribution of rainwater by gravity to the troughs (approximately 10), which also are of stones.These large tanks can be adapted at very low cost for irrigation for all types of crops and for pastures.
Light at the door, treated water, cell phone (internet), approximate distance of 17 km from Lençóis airport, fully documented (written, CAR, CCIR, georeferenced), 2 km from a power substation.
Aptitude for livestock and any other medium and large plantation. It was once a large cattle ranch, at the time with around 4,200 head.
In the region there is a beef slaughterhouse 18 km away from the property.
NOTE: in neighboring properties the wells have an average flow of 35,000 liters/day.
Due to its geography and flatness, the area offers the possibility of implementing a solar park.
We analyzed the sale of a part of the property.
Distances from the nearest cities:
Andaraí 45 km
Mucuge 84 KM
Wagner 30 km
Sheets 43 km
On good quality asphalt
IM associated brokers
Total Area: 13.060.000m2
Detailed Location Consult us!
Neighborhood: Rural Area City: Andaraí - Bahia, Brazil.