€466,958 EUR | £390,219 GBP | $485,611 USD
Type: Condo
Bedrooms: Studio
Floor area: 1700 m2
Sale type: New Build - Key Ready
Mário Fernandes
Mário Fernandes
Location: Brazil
Speaks: , Portuguese
Advert last updated: 10/31/2022

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Build the house of your dreams on a flat land, 1,700 m2, 40 meters from the beach, project approved for 4 suites with 580 m2, in Condomínio Busca Vida, Camaçari, Bahia, the paradise of Estrada do Coco on the North Coast of Bahia. Lagoon, coconut trees, blue-green sea, golden sand and lots of privacy. Busca Vida is like this: total calm for those who like to enjoy the beach more peacefully. Located on the north coast of Bahia, in the municipality of Camaçari, very close to Salvador, Busca Vida has nine kilometers of open sea beach framed by beautiful coconut trees. Excellent plot, by the sea in the best condominium on Estrada do Côco, Bahia. Call and schedule a visit. Land: 1700m2 Detailed Location Busca Vida Beach.. Busca Vida Condominium Neighborhood: Busca Vida City: Camaçari - BA;,