Contact us
Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How do I advertise and list my property and how much does it cost?

2. I want to cancel or suspend my account?
- Login to your account. From the top navigation menu select Cancel

- If you are paying by bank transfer or paypal, please contact us with your cancellation request.

3. I have been billed by Holprop LTD. What is this for?
- This fee is most likely for advertising your property. Even though you may not have advertised your property through, but through one of our network sites. Please use the search pages to see if you property is listed. If so, you can retrieve your login information by entering your email address here:
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Contact us by Email:

If you are enquiring about a property, please contact the owner/agent directly.
We are not agents and therefore cannot answer any booking enquiries.

If you are an existing client please include your Account No. with your enquiry.

Advertise your property with us
Our unique distribution network reaches millions of targeted users each and every month. Create your Free account, click here.

Correspondance by Post to:
Holprop LTD
17 Everoak Park
Calgary, AB
T2Y 0A5, Canada
By Phone Advertising/Support only.
If you are enquiring about a property,
please contact the owner/agent directly.

Europe: (44) (0)208-150-9171
North America: 1-403-775-7358