£116,665 GBP | $144,596 USD
Type: Land-Plot
Kostas Verikios
Location: Greece
Speaks: English, Greek
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Advert last updated: 2/6/2025

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Flat plot of land for sale!
For sale flat Plot of land 4005 sq.m. in Marantochori of Lefkada.
Located in a rural area, it is suitable for agricultural use and is recommended as an investment property.
It has electricity and water.
Ideal choice for any use (agricultural holding or building a residence) due to the morphology of the soil and the location.
Marantochori is a semi-mountainous village of Lefkada, on the southeast side of the island,
at a distance of about 15 km from Nydri and only 6 km from Vasiliki.
Near Marantochori, among olive trees, there is also a small natural lake... the lake of Marantochori.
View: Mountain
Access from: Asphalt
With water