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Brazil Brazil - Property in Pilao Arcado Brazil
Brazil Country: Brazil (11643) | Region: Bahia (1151)
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  • Brazil Pilao Arcado:

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    Found 2 Pilao Arcado properties for sale

    Finca • 306.000 ha
    $ 83,612,742 USD
    429,000,000 BRL

      Exact Location Not Provided

    Finca in Pilao Arcado, Brazil  (Arcade Pestle, )

    Asking: R$ 429,000,000 BRL

  • Large farm in Bahia, 306,303 hectares on the banks of the São Francisco River

    Property in Bahia located in the municipality of Pilão Arcado with 306,303 hectares, it has 87 km of banks with the São Francisco River, it is 106 km from Petrolina International Airport, the region with the largest vegetable production in the country. It has pressure gauges for wind measurement, as it has a project for installing a Wind and Solar Park. Documentation 100% in order. Consult us....
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  • Farmhouse • 306000ha hec
    $ 30,000,000 USD
    176,059,273 BRL

      Exact Location Not Provided

    Farmhouse in Pilao Arcado, Brazil  (47240-970 Pilão Arcado)

    Asking: R$ 176,059,273 BRL

  • Virgin Area with approximately 306000 ha in Pilão Arcado, Bahia, suited for eolic energy

    DetailsVirgin Area Bahia with 306000 ha in Pilão Arcado, suited for eolic energy, 60 % flat, 500 m altitude, 800 mm rainfallGeneral Description and Features:The farm area is a virgin land (area bruta) which as of yet has never been commercially used, nor explored. The area has a total size of 306303 hectares and is one of the largest for sale in the state of Bahia.Characteristics/Factsheet:It is 60% flat, the remaining land having a 12% slopeGeneral Geographical Coordinates 45ºW-10ºSBordering the São Francisco River at km 54 kmRL and APP 20%Sandy soil with approximately 15% to 20% clay contentRainfall index of 800 mm / yearAltitude in average (by extension) 500 mVegetation: mainly caatinga (The Caatinga is a xeric shrubland and thorn forest, which consists primarily of small, thorny trees that shed their leaves seasonally. Cacti, thick-stemmed plants, thorny brush, and arid-adapted grasses make up the ground layer. Most vegetation exper...
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