Farmhouse in Pilao Arcado, Brazil (47240-970 Pilão Arcado)
Asking: R$ 176,059,273 BRL
Virgin Area with approximately 306000 ha in Pilão Arcado, Bahia, suited for eolic energy
DetailsVirgin Area Bahia with 306000 ha in Pilão Arcado, suited for eolic energy, 60 % flat, 500 m altitude, 800 mm rainfallGeneral Description and Features:The farm area is a virgin land (area bruta) which as of yet has never been commercially used, nor explored. The area has a total size of 306303 hectares and is one of the largest for sale in the state of Bahia.Characteristics/Factsheet:It is 60% flat, the remaining land having a 12% slopeGeneral Geographical Coordinates 45ºW-10ºSBordering the São Francisco River at km 54 kmRL and APP 20%Sandy soil with approximately 15% to 20% clay contentRainfall index of 800 mm / yearAltitude in average (by extension) 500 mVegetation: mainly caatinga (The Caatinga is a xeric shrubland and thorn forest, which consists primarily of small, thorny trees that shed their leaves seasonally. Cacti, thick-stemmed plants, thorny brush, and arid-adapted grasses make up the ground layer. Most vegetation exper...More Details